Soul Life Channeled Readings

Entura Art is a transformative and intuitive form of artistic expression. Through channeling in a meditative state, Stacie receives energy, guidance, and inspiration to unlock the wisdom within, revealing messages that resonate with your soul’s unique path.

By tapping into insights from the spiritual realm, often including spirit guides and past lives, the resulting artwork offers guidance, healing, and insights that are unique to your life’s journey.  

Together, we’ll embark on an exploration where deep connection meets healing. 

Life Reading

2 Sessions (30 Minutes Each)

Stacie’s Entura Art Life Reading is a powerful yet gentle and beautiful channeled expression illustrating your life path.  Beginning with the discovery session, Stacie connects with you to find clarity within your innermost desires to formulate a question for the reading. This is a short yet intimate 1-on-1 session where you will feel nurtured, loved and safe as you partner with her to capture the essence of what you seek to understand.

The second session is where you will participate in the interpretation of your life reading. During this session, you will receive a channeled pastel drawing that reflects your visual story onto paper, describing illustrated imagery and color vibration to help bring you clarity, guidance, and answers to present situations in your life.

This reading offers effective and practical spiritual guidance that will leave you with a new visual perspective and insight, leading you further down a path of self-discovery.

This experience may be conducted over Zoom or in person with Stacie, and includes reviewing the drawing and interpretation that coincides with the channeled art.

Cost: $555

Soul Reading

1 Session (1 Hour)

Stacie’s Entura Art Soul Reading is a profoundly life-altering channeled visual exploration of the blueprint of your soul. Through this intuitive and spiritual process, she creates each piece of art while in a meditative state, allowing her to connect with your energy and to access and receive insights and gifts for you from the spiritual realm. 

The result is a beautifully unique, channeled pastel drawing that reflects your highest Soul strengths, gifts, and talents. The artwork’s symbols, colors and shapes are then interpreted for you to bring clarity on your passion and the purpose you are meant to bring to this lifetime. You will also discover areas that have yet to heal, peace of mind, and a greater understanding of yourself in love, honor and acceptance of your journey.

In the channeling and drawing of a Soul Portrait, on occasion, Spirit Guides, departed Loved Ones, Soul families, past lives, and life lessons may also emerge.  It is a beautiful expression of your Soul. 

This experience includes a zoom or in person session with Stacie that includes reviewing the drawing and interpretation that coincides with the channeled art.

Cost: $1,111